by Business Entertainment Show | Advice & Lifestyles of Entreprenerus

Have you ever wondered why expressing yourself in your own creative spirit is important? Do you ever get to know the real 'artist' deep down in you? And are you able to mimic it despite the things happening in your life and be ready to give out your best performance every single day? For many people, these are mostly 'deep' and invaluable questions. But for today's next BIG star on THE UBER EXPERIMENT reality show, this is a daily life.

About the Episode

Host versus host is the name of the game on this uber inspiring episode. In this episode of we are ready to pick up the tricks of one of the most aspiring YouTubers, hosts of YTV's The Next Star as well as a main television anchor for The Zone Weekend by YTV, Toronto's hometown star Mark 'Suki' Suknanan.

Suki is the man that can spot that difference and motivate you to go higher. If you’re wondering how Suki became such a successful star on The Next Star web show, a host of the Zone Weekend on YTV and an everyday performer in his outstanding YouTube channel, you should know it was by involving his audience through by using his creativity and superstar personality. His passion for hosting shows its head regularly throughout the ride. On the other side, there was me; Marcin Migdal- dare I say Toronto's most prolific Uber driver that sits in the cockpit once again and takes you on a drive full of funny, interesting and valuable moments shared with 'Suki'.

Suki's initial pickup however almost did not take place as it preceded with a passenger no-show that almost ruined my day after which I had decided to head back to Mississauga for a meeting unless I was requested for pickup before I entered the Spadina on ramp. Sure enough the next rider request was across the street; our superstar friend Mark was on his way to perform hosting duties on his show.

I found out that the main reason behind the success of Mark 'Suki' Suknanan is his amazing and multi-faceted TV personality. Suki, as everyone knows him, is a highly accomplished entrepreneur and has become one by being continuously amazing in his performances.




"I think in order to succeed in any job it's important to be yourself... almost apologetically yourself". ~ Mark 'SUKI'

The main reason I loved this ride was the great conversation where I got to know the things Suki likes, the things he plans to do in his future and also things from his past. Mark Suki made his driver understand what really inspired him to become a television star and what really drives him to upload videos regularly on his uber popular YouTube channel, as well as get an idea of his actual involvement of his in The Next Star show both as a web host and performer.\

If you don’t quite understand the term 'professional super fan', this episode’s rider is going to take this 10 minute ride to explain it to you. Mark 'Suki' Suknanan shares stories and events that occurred during his involvement in the Host of the Zone project. His unstoppable excitement comes through the GoPro on my dashboard and is infectious. Toronto is lucky to have such a character in its entertainment grasp.

SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube Channel, post your comments and questions on my videos to be featured in the episode videos and win GIVEAWAYS. Please Support this show if you enjoy this content by subscribing and getting access to advanced episodes and behind the scene videos as well as telling me what questions to ask the riders. 

Until the next ride, I remain my humble self and continue to Uber On! ~ Mr. Uber (A.K.A. Marcin Migdal)

About Mark 'SUKI' Suknanan

Learn more about Mark SUKI here.




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